Investment Act

Investment Act

Key business and investment-related reforms and laws enacted since 2000 are designed to support investment in Sierra Leone.
View the relevant laws that affect your sector through our website. 

Issue Law Year
ArbitrationArbitration ActOngoing
BankingBanking Act2019
BusinessGeneral Law (Business Start-up) Amendment Act2007
Business RegistrationBusiness Registration Act2007
Central BankingBank of Sierra Leone (amendment) Act2010
Consumer ProtectionConsumer Protection Act2012
CopyrightsCopyrights Act2011
Corporate GovernanceCompanies Act2009
CorruptionAnti-Corruption (amendment) Act2019
CustomsCustoms LawOngoing
Diamond ProcessingDiamond Cutting and Polishing Act2008
Dispute ResolutionAlternative Dispute ResolutionOngoing
ElectricityNational Power Authority (Amendment) Act2006
ElectricityNational Power Authority (NPA) Act (1982)Ongoing
Estates DevolutionEstate Act2007
Financial ServiceFinancial Services Act (Amendment) Act (Stock Exchange)2007
Financial ServicesPayment System Act2009
Financial ServicesHome Mortgage Finance Act2009
Financial ServicesOther Financial Services Act2001
InsuranceInsurance Act2016
Investment PromotionInvestment and Export Promotion Agency Act2007
Investment PromotionInvestment and Export Promotion Agency Act 20042004
LandCommercial use of Land Act2015
Law of evidenceLaw of evidenceOngoing
Law OfficersLaw Officers ActOngoing
Local GovernmentLocal Government Act2004
Maritime TransportMaritime Administration (Amendment) Act2007
Merchant ShippingMerchant Shipping Act2003
MiningMines and Mineral Act2009
MiningMines and Mineral (Amendment) Act2004
Money LaunderingAnti-Money Laundering Act2005
PartnershipPartnership Act2014
PatentsPatents and Industrial Designs2011
PetroleumPetroleum Exploration and Production Act2001
PrivatisationNational Commission for Privatisation Act2002
Public ProcurementPublic Procurement Act2004
Road TransportationRoad Transportation Authority2003
Tax AdministrationNational Revenue Authority Act2002
TaxationGood and Services Tax2009
TelecommunicationsNational Telecommunication (Amendment) Act2015
TelecommunicationsExternal Telecommunication Tax Act (Amendment)2004
UtilitiesSierra Leone Electricity and Water Regulatory Commission Act2011

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+232 73 952 144


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Monday to Friday : 8:30am - 4:30pm

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